Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I don't think I have a choice.

I think I have to love this Glacier place and all of the camp stove eggs, scramble climbing, constant mosquito bites, Lake McDonald beach days, cedar scents and campfire nights that go along with it.  Just look at all of the great people in my family who love it so much they are willing to sleep outside and forgo showering just to be there!
Uncle Andy, Dad, and Aunt Katie enjoying Eggs ala Andy and Katie's super yummy muffins at the Two Medicine Campground in Glacier

Aunt Lisa making sure I'm happy at that same campsite

Dad, Uncle Lorne, Aunt Peggy, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Rob, Mormor, Mishi, Mom and Grandpa on the way to Aster Point; It was so fun to get to see some of Mom's family we hadn't even planned on seeing at all.  I especially liked taking my first mini-hike in Glacier with Great Uncle Rob!

future Uncle Seth helping me develop my coordination so I can swim in Lake McDonald with him someday

Mormor and Grandpa - of course!  They spent their honeymoon here 34 years ago.

Oh, I just loved my first trip to Glacier!


  1. These are fantastic! Looks like y'all are having a great time :)

  2. What a fun time! We are excited to have you as our personal tour guides. :) Miss you all!
