Friday, July 2, 2010

On the Road

We're on our way to Bangladesh!  We are taking the long route, though, and stopping in Minnesota, Montana and Arizona before flying across the ocean.

Sometimes, this is how I feel about being in the car for hours at a time.

Dad is pretty creative about helping me enjoy the drive.

When we left Maryland almost a week ago, we headed through Pennsylvania, but I'd already been there, so we didn't make any stops.  In Ohio, I didn't see much more than the ever-present travel plazas, although Mom and Dad did point out the sign for Kent State University, which made me miss Matt and Stephanie.  After Ohio, Indiana seemed really short.  That's where I spent my first night in a hotel.  Since Gramps was with us I chose to sleep through the night and not disturb anyone.  In Illinois, I made friends with a Chicago newspaper salesman who suggested that we buy lots of fancy sheets in Bangladesh because they'll be cheaper there.  Wisconsin had the coolest rest stop so far with a hike all set up for us.  Then, we were finally in Minnesota, where I got to spend a couple of days out of the car seat exploring Grove City.  After that, we drove quickly through North Dakota, and finally saw this sign:

When I saw it, I immediately stopped crying and said my first word aloud: HOME.  Then, I took a little nap.  For now, I'm relaxing in Bozeman with my cousin before going to Glacier, which Mom and Dad won't stop talking about!


  1. now that is SOME ghetto rigging of a mirror for the back seat! And I like Pete's methods of quieting baby. Pretty ingenious. Have fun with my parents. They are going to see all five of the new babies in the fam this summer. . in a very short period of time, too!

  2. Bowman, we are enjoying your travelogue. We are gonna see you in about 40 hours, Lord willing. You seem to have inherited your mom's creative writing skills.
