I love that I can skype so many people. (Side note: Mom's been sharing some of her linguistics training with me. Isn't it interesting how the generification process happens with language? A few years ago "skype" was just the name someone thought of for their brilliant idea, and now it is how we say we want to "call" people on the internet and can be used as an adjective, noun or verb. Cool, huh? Maybe next time I'll tell you what she's taught me about mondegreens.)
Anyway, I just wanted to share how thankful I am for the internet. It's how I've kept up with so many family members and friends all the way from Dhaka. Because of Skype, I get to meet Tristan Cornwell, play peek-a-boo with grandparents, stick my tongue out at aunts, crawl around with Oliver Pearce, and even eat meals with cousin Norah!
Hip Hip Hooray, you were able to BLOG again. And, yes, SKYPE is one of the BEST things in my life.....