Thursday, March 31, 2011

Getting There in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh there are a few main forms of transportation.  Of course, the main one is the rickshaw.  If you need to go very far, though, there's boats, busses and trains.  For our trip to Srimangal, we opted for the four and a half hour train ride.  Here's what our station looked like at 6:45 in the morning.
When we arrive anywhere in this country, we tend to draw a crowd.  How much of it is our skin color and how much of it is the "cute baby," as I'm constantly called we will never be sure.  In the picture below, taken at the Srimangal train station, you can see a typical crowd including everything from the burqa-ed woman on the left to the naked child on the right.
Of course, my favorite part of these crowds is the new friends I can make.


  1. You are a cute baby, in any language! Love you - Nana

  2. I'm quite intrigued by the naked boy. Doesn't he have any clothes? This really boggles my mind and I feel really sad if he really has nothing to wear.

  3. I really appreciate you showing so many different aspects of life in Bangladesh - from the beautiful tea plantations to the naked children. Your mother (Grandmother) gave me your blog address and I've been reading it with interest. I can't see an email address, but did have a few specific questions about life in Bangladesh since I will be going to work at CRP in Dhaka this summer. I wonder if you would mind emailing me rather than me asking questions about practical details, such as the best kind of shoes to wear etc on your blog comments. My email address is and my blog is Sense and Simplicity ( Thanks so much.
