Monday, March 14, 2011

How To: Date Night in Dhaka

So, your Mom and Dad would like to go on a date, huh?  The third since you were born almost eleven months ago, right?  Let me give you some tips.
Step 1: Get Dad to give you your bath so Mom can finally brush her hair for the day.  Splash a lot so he has to think about changing his shirt.
Step 2: After a long and drawn-out bedtime process during which you act exceptionally awake, allow them to leave and think they have some time to enjoy themselves.  In fact, allow them to take a fifteen-minute rickshaw, walk another ten minutes to a restaurant called Bamboo Shoot, order and get food while you sleep through the one-hour power outage in your building.

Step 3: Wake up when the back-up generator for your building turns off.  It's OK, the greatest babysitter around, Uncle Ben, will come and hold you, but Mom and Dad will still have to hop a couple of rickshaws and tell the drives to "tara-tari jan" so they can get back to you soon.
Step 4: When they return with most of their food in take-out boxes, look very alert and grumpy and refuse to go back to bed.  This will start to make them grumpy, too, so you can all be grumpy together.
Step 5: Eventually, they'll have to give in.  You know that fancy Swiss ice cream Dad made sure was in the freezer for the end of their date?  Well, they'll have to eat it quickly and then give you the empty box and spoon to play with.  Hooray!  Date Night Success.


  1. Bowman, you are a champ Date Night Manipulator! :) Thanks for the post. You are a model for children worldwide. P.S. The pictures of course are half the fun.

  2. Aww, the VIDEO was even cuter! Such a sweet face you have, Bowman.

  3. Your cousin, Kate, has started writing you a letter -- it starts, "Bomin."

    I guess you will have to teach her how to spell your name when you see her in June!

  4. You are a little conniver, Bowman. How did your folks know you were awake? And that supper needed to go in boxes? How was the ice cream? Can't wait to see you. We'll take care of you while your Mom and Dad go on a looonng date...Love you, Nana and Gramps
