Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My First Year in Numbers

I was born:
  • 16 April 2010 at 6:15 A.M.
  • 8 pounds, 11 ounces
  • 21 inches
One year later:
  • 20 pounds (or 9 kilograms here in Bangladesh)
  • 30 inches

A Few Firsts:
  • Smiles: 2 months

  • Laughs: 2 1/2 months
  • Rolling over: 2 1/2 months (or so claims Mishi Angie)
  • Teeth: 6 months

  • Big boy food: 6 months

  • Crawling: 7 months
  • Pulling up: 8 1/2 months
  • Steps: 1 year (20 April, which was after my official birthday but before my birthday bash, so I'm including it here)

The Numbers
  • Planes I've flown on: 5
  • Days until I get to see my friends and family in America: 49
  • Backpacking trips I've been on: 3

  • Cousins: 1
  • Days until I have my second cousin: Uncle Candy and Aunt Lisa, any news?
  • Teeth I have: 6
  • Stamps in my passport: 15
  • Power outages on my birthday: 4, plus however many I slept through
  • Words I can say clearly: 2 ("go" and "no")


  1. Bowman, how nice you are to help mom with the laundry.

    You have also been very creative celebrating your birthday so many ways. Let me say that 15 stamps in passport is 15 more than me! (yikes!)

  2. Dear Bowman,

    I want you to know that I just love your blog. Your Nana sends them to me every time you write. It is the highlight of my day, and I show it to all the people in my building. I will meet you soon - in about two months! Love you - Nanagreat (that's what your cousin, Stimson, calls me).
