Monday, August 22, 2011

Bowman Blows Away at Two Medicine

Well, if you've read my blogs for long now, you know that I love Glacier National Park, Montana.  I'm super thankful for the almost three weeks I got to spend there this last summer.

Nana, Gramps, Dad, Mom and I drove the spacious van from Grove City, Minnesota to Two Medicine, Glacier, Montana in two and a half days.  They took longer than usual because I kept making them stop for picnics and Gramps wanted to stop and pick daisies in North Dakota.  Oh, boy, was I happy to get to the Two Medicine campground, even though it was so windy Mom had to put most of my layers on right away.  I immediately started excavating the stones in the tent camping site while the men set up camp and Nana made friends with the neighbors.  Soon, Uncle Brad, Aunt Katy and Cousin Stimson joined us, and then things got even more fun.  Stimson even built a city with a swimming pool where I had started digging!

The next day, we started our hiking for the summer with a trip to Rockwell Falls and Two Medicine Pass.  The day was gorgeous and it was really fun to be hiking with my Carlson Grandparents
and Davidson Grandpa.   Mormor couldn't hike with us because she was still working, but we included her in a picture because we wished she was there.
Let me tell you, that hike was pretty snowy for a few miles, but that made the views even more rewarding and the chance I got to hike down the trail out of my carrier for once even more fun.  I can't wait to get back there in ten months or so!

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