Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bowman Ditches His Parents

I guess I have to admit that I'm not ready for every hike in Glacier yet.  Rather than sleep through some of the good stuff, I told Mom and Dad that they should do a few hikes without me and show me the pictures later.  Really, I wanted Mormor and Most Exalted Grandfather to spoil me.  After all, when I stayed with Nana and Gramps while my parents climbed a mountain, I got Oreos out of the deal!

One day, Grandpa and I dropped Mom and Dad off at the hikers' shuttle stop in Apgar and they headed up to a very cloudy trailhead at the Loop.  They said it didn't clear up much at all by the time they reached Granite Park Chalet four miles later, and as they continued on to the Swiftcurrent Lookout through the clouds, hail started falling on them.  Not wanting to waste their day with free babysitters, they did the whole hike, but only saw fleeting glimpses of the Many Glacier Valley and Fifty Mountain area.  Check out the lookout tower below.  That's Mom trying to stay warm in the bottom left.
As they finished the hike, the clouds did begin to lift, and they saw some great views of Heavens Peak and the surrounding areas.
A few days later, I ditched Mom and Dad once again.  Together with Mormor and Grandpa we all started hiking from the Siyeh Bend trailhead, but soon Mom and Dad headed off one way to climb Siyeh while I stuck with the fun group.  Later, Mom and Dad told me they were in really cold wind for most of their climb and that when they got to the top they had to turn right back around to stay warm and keep from being blown over the 4,000 foot drop off toward Cracker Lake.  Mom was still pretty happy to finally make it to the top of her first 10,000 foot Glacier mountain, though!
Don't think they had all the fun, though.  I loved my time with my Davidson grandparents
and Piegan Pass was a pretty great destination, too!

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