Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bowman on Bishwa Ijtema

I can't claim to completely understand this pilgrimage, but I've observed little bits of it over the last two years, and find it quite sobering and interesting. Bishwa Ijtema is a prayer journey with its destination quite close to where I live in Dhaka. In the last few years, about five million men have attended, and the only larger Muslim pilgrimage is the Hajj to Mecca. Now, here's where I get a little confused. Some say it is a three-day event, but I know that it affected traffic in Dhaka for about a week, especially on the two most recent Thursdays, so I'm pretty sure it lasted a week. However long it took, it involved millions of men spending money and time to pray to someone who can't help them. I hope that some sensed tuggings on their hearts from the real God who created and loves them. Wouldn't it be great if trains were packed like this for a great big multi-lingual worship service next year?
one image of transportation for the Bishwa Ijtema

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