Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This Is Me.

Hi.  My name is Bowman.  I'm a 6-week old baby from Baltimore.  I like warm milk before bed, eating every two hours, and green onsies.  I also enjoy long car rides and having picnics with friends.  I do not like having my picture taken by certified passport photo personnel.

These are my parents.

I've decided to start this blog because my mom is a terrible blogger, and I have some exciting travels coming up that I'd like to keep you all updated about.  In fact, those pictures up above (which the very helpful but strict woman at the office said "simply would not do") were my first attempt for my very first passport.  I need it because in just under two months, I'm moving to Dhaka, Bangladesh!  Hopefully, you'll all be able to read about my journey here, because it sounds like there won't be any details on Facebook!

Just to get things started, here are a few pictures of where I've been so far.

I saw this sailboat on Baltimore's Inner Harbor when Tia Angela was visiting.

I've also walked up and down Harford road a whole lot of times. On this trip, Grandpa was pushing me to Big Bad Wolf's House of BBQ.

One sunny day, my parents, my grandparents, my uncle-cousin and I all drove to St. Michaels, Maryland for a picnic and some bocce ball.

I've also visited Washington D.C. where we had a picnic with Tia Angela on the Potomac River.

Well, Mom's begging me to nap, so I'll have to write more later.


  1. Hey Bowman, this is Billy Bob. I live in my mom's belly so I'm pretty jealous of your above-uterus activity. However, when I get topside, I will be sure to pay you a visit and we can romp through some rice fields in Bangladesh. Although I will be smaller, I will have a big curly haired poodle-dog on my side, so don't try anything too slick. Ok, well I've got to get back to developing an eyeball and these limb stubs a bit- cheers!

  2. Billy Bob, if you'll come see me in Bangladesh, I promise not to even make fun of your curly haired poodle-dog.
