Friday, September 3, 2010


Today Mom balanced all of the following on a rickshaw:
  • me, sleeping and needing my head propped
  • my diaper bag, complete with the essentials plus the Bangladesh extras (sun screen, toilet paper)
  • 1 kilo of potatoes
  • 1/2 kilo of carrots
  • 12 eggs in a plastic bag and no carton
  • 5 oranges
  • 2 out of season, and therefore overpriced mangoes
Keep in mind that while riding a rickshaw it is essential that she gives me extra support in my carrier because most drivers do not slow down for speed bumps, pot holes or rubbish heaps and keeps the balls of her feet flexed on the two by four that prevents us from flying into the rickshaw driver when he refuses to break for said obstacles.  Unfortunately, Mom was not also balancing her camera.


  1. Did the eggs and your little head make it without breaking? Miss you much, little one. Hope you are feeling better. Love, Nana

  2. Yes - all 13 are in great shape!
