Part of being "Bowman in Bangladesh" is being Bowman who gets to travel home once in a while, which is what I did this past summer.
Before I jump into that, though, I must acknowledge that I have a lot of catching up to do! Great Aunt Margi, I'm especially sorry to you for falling so far behind in my updates. Dad really makes fun of Mom for getting on the computer very much when we are having as much fun as we did this past summer, and I didn't want him to think I was too nerdy, so I didn't push the issue. I'll try not to miss any of the major events of the summer, but it might be hard because I had such a great time with so many different family members.
Now, for the summer...
June 9, 2011 was a wonderful day for me. It was the day I got to finish up 30 hours of flying and layovers and see some of my American family for the first time in ten months. It was especially fun since I started walking in earnest in the Dhaka airport just before boarding the first of three flights that would take me to Phoenix and got to show off my new skills as I met Mormor, Most Exalted Grandfather, Mishi Angie and Uncle Seth. Hooray for arriving in America!
YAY, Bowman. Have been waiting for your BLIOGS all summer, even though I was with you some of it.